Seemore HUD
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Seemore S.A. implements a project entitled “Intelligent motorcyclist assistance system in the aspect of safety with prediction of traffic participants’ behavior with the support of machine learning” co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development under Sub-measure 1.1.1 of the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, contract no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0318/22
The subject of the project will be the development of innovative technology that enhances motorcyclist safety by creating a spatial map of the road environment and predicting specific traffic scenarios based on AI algorithms. All key information is provided to the motorcyclist through HMI devices (Human Machine Interface): headsets, LEDs, vibrating accessories or HUD displays (Head-Up Display). Based on relevant scenarios, it informs the motorcyclist of potential dangers: riding a motorcycle becomes safer and more comfortable. The solution can be applied to any motorcycle, without any prior modifications. One of the key elements of the solution is the Aware module, which collects data from the motorcycle’s surroundings. The data comes from a set of cameras (2 front, 2 rear). The information obtained from the sensors is processed in the system’s core (composed, among other things, of VPUs and NPUs – visual and neural processing units), and then transmitted to the rider via additional accessories. The product will be fully tested under laboratory conditions and adapted for serial sale to any motorcycle user.
The total value of the project: PLN 6,224,142.50
Maximum amount of funding: PLN 4,678,206.25
Seemore S.A. implements a project entitled “Seemore Aware” implemented under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 Measure 1.3: R&D works financed with capital funds Sub-measure 1.3.1: Support for research and development projects in the preseed phase by proof of concept funds – BRIdge Alfa. The aim of the project is to create a solution that increases the safety of motorcyclists by creating a spatial map of the road environment, recognizing objects on the road and warning the biker of the potential threats. The result of the project will be the creation of a prototype solution based on artificial intelligence and image processing techniques for use in the automotive industry.
Project value: PLN 1,000,000.00 / . Contribution of European Funds: PLN 800,000.00
Company data
Seemore S.A.
ul. B. Prusa 38/12
50-319 Wrocław, POLAND
VAT No. PL8982260906
Reg. No.KRS 0000863634
REGON 387238003